Thursday, June 27, 2024

On Atlantis, Graham Hancock and Ignatius Donnelly

Perhaps the most pernicious habit of Atlantis interpreters is the one pointed out by Dr Miano on Youtube: The typical Atlantis interpreter adopts the "8000-9000 years ago" time frame and very nearly NOTHING ELSE from the original story.  In fact, aside from believing Plato on the date, they seem to have little or no interest in Plato's Atlantis.  Lots of interpreters take up the description of the city with its alternating rings of water and earth. But plenty leave that out.  Those who do will usually concentrate on other matters, such as the size and shape of the plain of Atlantis, or its location.  

The war against the Greeks?  Rarely emphasized.  The ten kings of Atlantis?  Rarely mentioned. The bull ritual that the kings perform?  Rarely mentioned.  The large, oddly shaped temple of Poseidon in the center of town? Rarely mentioned. The loss of Greek literacy? Rarely mentioned. The Egyptian priest's claim that his people wrote down the story of Atlantis contemporaneously with the actual events?  Rarely mentioned.  The destruction both of Greek elites and of Atlantis on the same day in the same "flood from heaven"?  Rarely mentioned.  

Another irritating aspect of Atlantis talk is that there are several widely-shared ideas about Atlantis that do not come from the story by Plato. They come from a bastardization of the story that was invented by Ignatius Donnelly.  Plato never said that Atlantis was "advanced." Donnelly did. Plato never said that Atlantis traded with all the continents, but Donnelly did. Plato never mentioned or talked about survivors of Atlantis, but Donnelly did.  

Perhaps we should judge Atlantis interpretations by how much of Plato they can actually interpret. The best interpretations take in the most statements from the original story. The worst interpretations ignore the greatest number of remarks from Plato. 

If that were the standard, interpreters working in the shadow of Donnelly would suffer severely.  Hardly a word of Plato is found in them.  This is not because Donnelly did not discuss Plato. He did.  His 1882 book, The Antediluvian World, opens by reciting the entire Atlantis tale, including the full text from both Timaeus and Critias.  

A quick perusal of Donnelly's table of contents will show good readers exactly what he was up to.  

I don't know why this wikibook does not have links for Part V, but there it is.  

Donnelly includes Plato's entire tale of Atlantis on pages 5-22 of his book.  After that, Plato steps away and Donnelly's speculations take center stage.  

The main reason Donnelly's followers do not discuss Plato is probably that they have taken from Donnelly (and the zeitgeist he inspired) a completely wrong-headed approach to the Atlantis tale. Donnelly treats the Atlantis tale as if it is a story about a lost world.  That is a wrong emphasis.  The tale is about a war.  The loss of Atlantis is not the reason for telling the story.  The reason to tell it is to recall a great war.  

In addition, Donnelly treats the tale as a platform for his own speculations.  He does not seek to understand it or to interpret it.  He aims to promote his own ideas about it.  

Followers of Donnelly have fallen for both of these wrong headed approaches.  They treat all of Plato's remarks as though they boil down to saying there is a lost world, then they bring their own ideas into the story and talk about its location or influence.  

In Part II above, Donnelly teaches the world to conflate all ancient mentions of floods from around the world and to imagine that they all refer to a single event.  The Atlantis tale alone mentions several distinct and important floods, but that does not phase Donnelly.  He ignores the details of the story.  

Dr Miano has commented at length on Graham Hancock's depressing habit of conflating all flood myths from around the world, from all times and places, as if they all attempt to recall or warn about a single ancient event.  

Hancock learned this trick from Donnelly.  Or better, it was Donnelly who made the world ready to believe that all ancient flood myths might refer to the same event. Hancock gets an easy skate on this matter because Donnelly's ideas have been around for 140 years.  

The rest of Donnelly's table of contents demonstrates that Hancock gets almost his entire world view from Donnelly.  Or better: Donnelly made the world ready to recognize and not contest the rest of Hancock's story.  Donnelly came up with the idea of pretending to discover Atlantis as a forgotten meaning behind ancient literature and religion.  Donnelly came up with the idea of looking for similarities in artifacts from around the world and explaining them as derivatives from Atlantis. He began the habit of treating similarly shaped buildings around the world as if they might all have a single origin in Atlantis. Donnelly came up with the idea of treating ancient cultures as colonies of Atlantis. Hancock has dropped the unpopular word colony.  Aside from that, his thinking is very much in the groove laid down by Donnelly.  His vaguely defined advanced civilization in North America is nothing more than Atlantis moved to the shores of North America.   

In his work of 1883, Ragnarok: The Age of Fire and Gravel, Donnelly defends at length the hypothesis that a comet hit the earth and destroyed a high civilization ~12,000 years ago, or ~10,000bce.  This puts its date close to that of Atlantis as dated by Plato's tale, ~9560bce.  In this work, Donnelly compiles and blurs his eyes over a large collection of ancient myths and tales about fires, concluding that they all discuss a single event, namely, his proposed comet strike.  

So, all ancient stories about floods are or might be about one flood, and all ancient stories about fires are or might be about one fire. 

Hancock follows Donnelly down the comet strike trail as well.  This move lets him point to almost any ancient artifact that can be construed as astronomical and treat it as if its original motive and meaning has to do with an ancient comet strike during the younger dryas.  This is the form Hancock applies to Gobekli Tepe.  He looks at a carving on a pillar, imagines that it has to do with constellations, then connects his imaginary star map with a comet strike.  It is pure Donnelly.  

In fact, Hancock has been doing Donnelly and almost nothing but Donnelly for a long, long time. The ancient aliens crowd have been doing almost nothing but Stichen and Von Daniken for a long, long time. Hancock is no more original than they are.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

24 Anomalies in the Plain of Troy

"From Hısarlık, we can see several other mounds."

In Search of the Real Troy

Below is a list of all of the anomalies discussed so far on this blog.  All of the anomalies below have been discussed already, either on the page about the Top Ten Anomalies (A) in the plain, or on the page adding Six More Anomalies (B).  I also have a page about Declivities in the Plain (C) where some of these are discussed.  Others were discussed in posts specific to them individually.  All of these can be added together to support the thesis that the plain of Troy is heavily distorted by what appear to be human interventions

1 The large mound in front of Hisarlik.  

2 The marsh in the mound in front of Hisarlik

3 The Kesik Cut through the coastal cliffs at Lisgar Marsh* (A)

4 The large berm SW of Kalafat (A)

5, 6 The two mounds west of Kalafat (A)

7 The large declivity west of Kalafat (A,C)

8 The smaller declivity between the mound and the berm SW of Kalafat (A,C)

9 The cut through the inland ridge at Besik Bay* (B)

10 The marsh SW of Kalafat  (A,C)

11 The structure in the marsh SW of Kalafat  

12, 13 The two mounds below Pinarbasi (B)

14 Judan Lake** (B, C)

15 The raised area east of Lisgar Marsh (B)

16 The strange shapes at the top of the plain (B)

17 The odd shapes near Kalafat (B)

18 The berm on Kamer Creek

19 The mound NW of the great mound 

20 The waterway that starts in the middle of the plain 

21, 22 The two sand deposits at two ends of the great mound. 

23. The raised straight line NW of the great mound. 

24. The 2.5 kilometer long mostly straight, raised line near the top of the plain.  

* technically not in the plain 

** no longer exists

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Two more anomalies in the Plain of Troy

I noticed both of these a long time ago but have never mentioned them.  

The first anomaly is a long, straight, raised area going NW from the great mound's north end. I've circled it in the first photo below. 

I have already discussed the raised mound to the north of this anomaly.  About this one I just wonder why is it so straight, and why is it raised like that?  Could there be an ancient wall or something there? 

The second anomaly lies between Pinarbasi and Kalafat, along the eastern side of the Scamander.  .  

This is another long, straight, raised area, but this one turns a bit at each end.  It sits upriver from the great berm near Kalafat.  It is 1.5 miles, or 2.5 kilometers in length.  

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Google Satellite View Improves our view of Ancient Troy

Last year I noted that Google had inserted a new photo of the northern part of the plain of Troy into its display of the area  This update cut across the mound in front of Hisarlik, leaving its northern half differently colored from its southern half.  

That update has been followed by another that replaces the photo representing the southern half of the mound, so that most of the plain is now represented by the newer exposure. This seems like an improvement to me.  

The image below is from last year.  Google inserted a new image of the northern part of the plain that was more green and gold colored than the older images, which are of a more more brownish reddish hue to the south, and more yellow to the west.  

The image below shows the recent update at Google Satellite View.  Google has extended then newer, more green and gold images both south and west.  We can now see the Aegean coast much more clearly.  The upper plain and Hisarlik remain in the older, more reddish brown hue.  

Below is the most recent Google image of the tell and Hisarlik.  

Below is the most recent Google image of the structure in the marsh.  

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Links, Links, Links

Internal Links

Latest Evidence and Arguments 

Aerial drones reveal elevation changes in the plain of Troy

On the status of the argument for a city in the plain at Troy

Two sand deposits in the plain of Troy

The weird waterway in the plain of Troy 

Documented growth of the marsh in the plain of Troy

The problem of Kalafat and Kumkale

An unexplained structure in the plain of Troy

Pictures of the tell at Troy    

Top Ten Anomalies in the Plain of Troy

Six More Anomalies in the Plain of Troy

Two More Anomalies in the Plain of Troy


A theory about the Greek camp in the Illiad

Is this Homer's Throsmos?

How the Trojans diverted the Scamander River

How the Trojans diverted Kamer Creek

Philosophy of Science

Why this blog is not archaeology

ChatGPT agrees that this blog is not science

Legends of Troy 

Troy Towns

Brutus of Troy

Hercules sacks Troy

Roman and other lineages

Troy Game, Troy Dance

External Links

Was Troy a Metropolis?,space%20and%20created%20early%20civilizations.

In Search of the Real Troy

Ian Morris

Review of Joachim Latacz’s book Troy and Homer: Towards a Solution of an Old Mystery (2004), focusing on the archaeological issues.

Akin Curser, et al. 

An Assessment of the Earthquakes of Ancient Troy, NW Anatolia, Turkey

Ilhan Kayan

Holocene Geomorphic evolution of the Besik plain and changing environment of ancient man

Geoarchaeological research at Troia and its environs

The Troia bay and supposed harbour sites in the Bronze Age 

Geomorphic Reconstructions in the Environs of Ancient Troy

Frank Kolb 

Troy VI: A Trading Center and Commercial City?
Manfred Korfmann et al. 

Th/U dating of the Trojan water quarries

Eberhard Zangger, et. al. 

Searching for the Ports of Troy

Artificial Ports and Water Engineering at Troy

Kesik Cut drone footage

Cemsaner drone footage 

Bumblebee520 drone footage

Now there is before the city a steep mound afar out in the plain, with a clear space about it on this side and on that; this do men verily call Batieia, but the immortals call it the barrow of Myrine, light of step.  There on this day did the Trojans and their allies separate their companies. 

Now a sharp ridge rises out in front of Troy,
all on its own and far across the plain
with running-room all around it, all sides clear.
Men call it Thicket Ridge, the immortals call it
the leaping Amazon Myrine’s mounded tomb, and there
the Trojans and allies ranged their troops for battle.  

Iliad, Book II 814f  

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

ChatGPT agrees that this blog is not science

I finally thought to ask ChatGPT something helpful. 

If a person describes what they see in a photograph, are they doing science?


Describing what one sees in a photograph is not necessarily considered science on its own. However, it could be a part of a scientific investigation or analysis if it is done in a systematic and rigorous way as part of a scientific method.

For example, if a scientist is studying the anatomy of a particular species of insect and is using photographs to document the various features of the insect's body, describing what they see in the photograph would be part of their scientific analysis. In this case, the description of the photograph would be part of a broader scientific investigation, and the scientist would likely be asking research questions, formulating hypotheses, and testing those hypotheses through experiments or further observations.

On the other hand, if a person is simply describing what they see in a photograph for personal or aesthetic reasons, without any scientific questions or investigation, then it would not be considered science.

If a person describes what they see in a photograph including trees, rivers, and a settlement mound, are they doing science?


Describing what one sees in a photograph of a landscape, including trees, rivers, and a settlement mound, is not necessarily considered science on its own. However, it could be a part of a scientific investigation or analysis if it is done in a systematic and rigorous way as part of a scientific method.

For example, if a geologist is analyzing a photograph of a landscape to identify the types of rock formations and geological features present in the area, describing what they see in the photograph would be part of their scientific analysis. In this case, the description of the photograph would be part of a broader scientific investigation, and the geologist would likely be asking research questions, formulating hypotheses, and testing those hypotheses through experiments or further observations.

Similarly, if an archaeologist is analyzing a photograph of a landscape to identify and document the features of a settlement mound, describing what they see in the photograph would be part of their scientific analysis. In this case, the description of the photograph would be part of a broader scientific investigation, and the archaeologist would likely be asking research questions, formulating hypotheses, and testing those hypotheses through further observations or archaeological fieldwork.

On the other hand, if a person is simply describing what they see in a photograph of a landscape for personal or aesthetic reasons, without any scientific questions or investigation, then it would not be considered science.

Suppose an amateur examining a photograph spots what they think is a settlement mound. Is that science?


If an amateur examining a photograph spots what they believe to be a settlement mound, it can be seen as a preliminary step or an observation that could potentially contribute to a scientific investigation. However, the act of spotting it alone does not constitute full-fledged science.

In scientific practice, observations and hypotheses are typically subject to further investigation, testing, and analysis. For the amateur's observation to be considered part of a scientific process, it would require additional steps such as:

Verification: The amateur's observation would need to be verified through further evidence, such as comparing the photograph with other sources, consulting experts, or conducting fieldwork to confirm the presence of a settlement mound.

Research questions: The amateur's observation could prompt the formulation of research questions, such as the age or significance of the settlement mound, the cultural context, or its potential relationship to other archaeological features in the region.

Collaboration: To advance the investigation, collaboration with experts or professionals in the relevant field, such as archaeologists or geographers, may be sought to provide expertise, guidance, or further analysis.

Documentation and analysis: The amateur's observation could lead to a systematic documentation and analysis of the photograph and the potential settlement mound, including measurements, mapping, and comparisons with known archaeological features.

In summary, while an amateur's observation of a potential settlement mound in a photograph can be an initial spark for scientific investigation, it would need to be followed by further steps and collaboration with experts to be considered part of a scientific process.


There you have it.  ChatGPT is making roughly the same point I made when I argued that this blog is not archaeology.  I argued that spotting tells is not really science.  ChatGPT thinks it is not "full-fledged science".   I dread seeing it described as partially fledged science, so, I think it is important to just say it is not science, even if it can be understood as part of a scientific undertaking.  

Thursday, April 20, 2023

What we stand to learn about the Trojans

"Not much is known about the actual Trojans," writes Eric H. Cline (who excavated at Troy) on page 33 of his The Trojan War (2013, Oxford U Press).  

Almost no writing has been found on Hisarlik.  Romans leveled the hill when they built their city, wiping out a great deal of the bronze age remains.  Schliemann also destroyed parts of the bronze age cities.  

Outside the enclosure walls, there is another city, known as the lower city.  This area contains plenty of bronze age remains, but they have Greek and Roman constructions on top of them.  It is not easy to get to the bronze age material because lots of iron age material has to be excavated and processed first.  

Professor C. Brian Rose (who excavated at Troy) discusses this problem starting at 6:26 in the following film.  

Dr. Rose is saying that it will take "decades" to dig up a significant amount of bronze age remains in the lower town on Hisarlik because they lie under Greek and Roman era houses, and those houses "are filled with pottery", all of which must be processed. 

Conclusion: significantly more knowledge of the Trojans will not come from the outer district on the hillside any time soon.  

However, there is a huge, unnatural mound in the plain that is unexplored.  A stratigraphy study found artifacts in the plain.  There are surely more.  According to Zangger, bricks and building remains were found in the drill cores.  

No archive has been found at Troy.  I figure that if the Hittite kings were writing letters to the kings of Wilusa, and these kings lived at Hisarlik, then at one time there was an archive on Hisarlik.  If the archive survived underground into the Greek era, then Romans probably destroyed it when they leveled the hilltop and removed most of the bronze age city.  

I have been working with the thought that the city in the plain may have been destroyed in the same earthquake that destroyed Troy VI.  Although the city on Hisarlik was rebuilt, the city in the plain may have been lost for good at that point, perhaps due to flooding and/or the loss of important flood control measures.  Of course, there is evidence of earthquake damage on Hisarlik in other layers as well.  The city in the plain may have been lost long before Troy VI.  

A lot of trade took place at Troy, and writing is associated with trade.  So, there is hope of finding writing in the mound, even if it is not a royal archive.  Furthermore, if it was lost due to natural causes, the city in the plain may not have been looted.  Instead, plenty of loot may remain in the mound.  

My thesis is that there probably is a great deal to learn about the Trojans, but it will not be learned on Hisarlik.  It will be learned in the plain.  

On Atlantis, Graham Hancock and Ignatius Donnelly

Perhaps the most pernicious habit of Atlantis interpreters is the one pointed out by Dr Miano on Youtube: The typical Atlantis interpreter ...