Some philosophers think a lot about propositions. They also think about propsitional attitudes (i.e., attitudes toward propositions, such as trust, distrust, belief, disbelief, etc.) So, in the follwing exercise, I will list some propositions and my attitudes toward them (attitudes in italic).
Two propositions I am willing to defend on the basis of visual evidence:
There is a large mound in front of Hisarlik in the plain of Troy.
There are three more, much smaller mounds west and southwest of Kalafat, along with two declivities.
One proposition I believe on the basis of inference from visual and other evidence and would gladly defend:
There is probably a large city buried in the plain in front of Hisarlik.
One proposition I believe on the basis of inference from visual evidence but probably would not defend:
The smaller mounds around Kalafat are probably flood control works.
One proposition that has been known and ignored for way too long:
There is a cut through the coastline across from Hisarlik.
One compund proposition that I believe is sad but true:
The cut through the coastline and the plain of Troy have mostly been ignored by archeology.