I first learned about the thinking of Dr. Eberhard Zangger some years ago through YouTube. It started with a video about the bronze age collapse which theorized about the possibility of a wide ranging war. The video made an impression on me. Below is an updated version of that film.
Eventually I discovered the Luwian Studies website. I encourage everyone to read the website. It consists of a few dozen very short, informative treatments of specific topics, such as the Luwians, Egypt at the end of the bronze age, the sea people, ancient Troy, and iron age migrations of peoples. I have read his well known paper on the sea peoples. Also a less well known paper linking Troy to Atlantis. Also his book The Flood From Heaven, which is a detailed treatment of the connection between the story of Troy and the story of Atlantis.
I want to outline and underline how right Dr. Zangger and the Luwian Studies website have been about the ancient city of Troy. Below are a few of Zangger's remarks from 2017.
Let’s just recap on the most important arguments I’ve put forward over the past thirty years. Firstly, I’m saying that not only the citadel knoll of Troy contains Bronze Age remains, but also the area five hundred meters west of it. Secondly, I’m saying that even if the Trojan War was invented by a poet, there needs to be an opponent equal to the Greeks on the eastern side of the Aegean. Thirdly, there are hundreds of settlements in western Asia Minor that have not yet been archaeologically explored. https://luwianstudies.org/interview-eberhard-zangger-spiegel-article-wizen-balloon/
I think his third point is perfectly clear and indisputable. The second point is mostly clear and there will be much debate on it. The first point demonstrates Zangger's confidence about the existence of a greater city in the plain at Troy. He is right about it, and the matter is now all but indisputable. There really was a great city in the plain, and everyone can see on Google Satellite View precisely where it used to sit.
Below are remarks from the Luwian Studies website. Zangger is the president of the Foundation for Luwian Studies.
During the Trojan War, the Greeks are likely to have destroyed levees and hydraulic installations. Since the war was fought in the dry summer months, their actions had no immediate effect. But when the winter came, with Troy already defeated and destroyed, the topographically low-lying ruins were buried under mud carried by the rivers. Thus, the remains of Troy are likely to be buried a few hundred meters west of Hisarlık, and remain hidden. Excavator Manfred Korfmann has said (in a personal conversation) that drill holes in the floodplain revealed pottery deep down below the present surface. The geoarchaeologist who investigated these deposits for almost forty years concluded, “some levels contain a great deal of archaeological material … Pieces of bricks, stones and mortar indicate the remains of a construction. … From an archaeological point of view, the area along the foot of the northern slope of Troia is an important one … In the light of these findings we consider that it would be very useful to make an archaeological excavation about 7 meters deep.” (https://luwianstudies.org/the-history-of-troy/)
During almost 150 years of research history in Troy, however, all excavations have been restricted to the hill of Hisarlık, which due to its elevation was never affected by mudflows. In other words, the actual lower city of Troy may indeed still lie hidden in the plain underneath a layer of gravel and alluvial silt. Approximately 300 drill holes that were made by Ilhan Kayan to investigate the plain’s stratigraphy produced thick layers with artifact-rich deposits. Accordingly, the buried lower city of Troy may already have been found in the floodplain. (https://luwianstudies.org/the-lower-town-of-troy/)
These passages further demonstrate the confidence of Dr Zangger's group about the existence of a city in the plain at Troy.
Dr Zangger discusses the city of Troy in the video below, starting at 40:30
At 42:38 he says, 'the actual city of Troy was not on the knoll, that is just the royal citadel, the actual city was in the flood plain. It has been found there by drill cores five or six meters below the present surface'. When he says this he is showing a slide containing the graphic from Luwian Studies that is also found in one of my earlier posts. Behind Zangger throughout this lecture you can see that same graphic on the wall behind him, along with the picture of Troy that I critiqued in another of my earlier posts, and which appears again at the bottom of this page. I have appealed or reacted to things from the Luwian Studies web site in several other places as well.
This blog has benefited greatly from his work, and I will happily repeat what I said in the first of those earlier posts. Dr Zangger and the Luwian Studies foundation are right about the location of the greater city of Troy.